27 March 2010

foreign service

this post is akin to a drunk text, one of those i might wish i never would've hit "publish", but to hell with it...

i've always believed i'm meant to change the world. whether it be delusions of grandeur or perchance a curse, it's been one of the biggest driving forces of my life. i chose law school, eons ago, because i believed it the path of least resistance toward that end. it wasn't. or maybe it was. i dunno.

but i do know that wednesday brought the news that i passed the foreign service exam. and that less than 30% of takers pass it. that most of the people i personally know who've taken it are as happy for me as they are jealous that i passed it and they didn't. and i feel like it's right.

when i turned down the afhanistan job, it was because it wasn't right. the timing wasn't right. it didn't feel right. and paris guy was newly in the picture...

but now it's different. it's all different. i think about my bucket list, and how it all fits: a year with no address, six months in paris, sipping turkish coffee in the shadow of the hagia sofia. it's like i've always known, without knowing, that mine's a life meant to live without roots. that as much as i love my country and will eternally belong to the USA, i belong really to the world. that i'm here to make the world a better place by bringing what's best about america to the rest of the world. and i want to go wherever they want to send me. i don't care the where, not even a little bit. i just want to go. and be.

and the best part about it is simply knowing. i've been so bloody stressed these past few months, probably because i've felt change in my life happening without knowing where it's going, and where i really wanted it to go (afghanistan? washington, dc? denver? politics? government? more big law?) i know i want to represent my country abroad. and though i'm not yet there, as i have three more hurdles to jump, i know it's what i want. more than anything.

foreign service offers the adventure of a lifetime. all the better that it comes with opportunities abound to make a real difference in the world.


25 March 2010


when my alarm starts going off each morning, about an hour before i get out of bed, i flip on n.p.r. for an overview of the day's headlines. and you know what i heard this morning? i heard the pew report that china has overtaken the united states as the top investor in clean energy technology.

this makes me so effing angry, i don't even really know where to start.

but i think i'll start with the planet's worst enemies. for one second, i will bite my tongue till it bleeds, and accept the truly asinine view that there is no such thing as man-made global warming (or as i like to think of it, "climate change", because when people are too, er, dumb? to recognize that global warming doesn't mean it won't ever snow again, i try to use less confusing words).

okay, it's really hard, but i'm doing it. AND IT DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING MATTER!

even if you disagree with every scientist in the entire world, because you're smarter than them (yeah, you who voted for sarah palin to be vice president), and think global warming is a liberal hoax, how can you still be so stupid as to not recognize that our economic security, technological advancement, the wave of the future, the current worldview outside of the bassackwards bible belt mentality (or what you might like to call "real america"), and our national security depend on going green.

this pew report makes it pretty clear that the greatest innovative minds are still in america, that there are billions of american investment dollars waiting to be dumped into clean energy technology and small businesses (like my friend jim's solar panel business, run on sun (much more on this later)), but that china is where it's all going. because china knows a good business venture when it sees it, even if it sits and laughs at all of us dummy liberal hippies.

american investors won't put their money into small businesses or green research until there are some government regulatory guarantees that establish a marketplace (e.g. cap and trade). and american brains aren't going to stay in america, produce in america, and create jobs in america if china is bankrolling the development of the products their brains think up and then selling that shit to the developed world (which, incidentally, is asking for this stuff).

and don't even get me started on national security, and the fact that our addiction to oil funds terrorism.

if anyone in this country was really thinking, we would stop wasting time pointing at tenable junk science, and recognize that it doesn't matter if the science is junk. the developed and developing world is going green. that's where the brains and money are going. and if we aren't going to support it here, if we aren't going to invest in those brilliant green minds and the ability to produce clean energy products to sell around the world, the united states of america will sooner than later no longer be the developed world.


23 March 2010

snark attack

this is a warning post, because as soon as i'm finished writing this article on worldwide financial regulation and its impact on emerging markets, i am going to have a field day with healthcare reform.

until then, score one for dems!
