16 February 2009

enough already! tax cuts won't cut it!

and you know how i know tax cuts won't cut it? because the g.o.p. has been cutting taxes with fervency the past eight years, the past couple in particularly (in an effort to stave off this economic black hole we now find ourselves flailing about), to NO F'ING AVAIL! dear g.o.p., your economic theory is a big fat loser. and that's why you were big fat losers in the elections of 2006 and 2008.

my favorite g.o.p. hissy fits in response to the obama administration's economic stimulus plan:

(1) john mccain, "this is generational theft."
(2) john boehner, "the bill that was about jobs, jobs, jobs has turned into a bill about spending, spending, spending."
(3) lindsey graham, "[the bill] stinks!"

first off, yeah, it's a spending bill. duh. we need to spend money to put folks to work. we need to rebuild roads, bridges, levees, and guess what? that requires spending. we need to upgrade the grave inefficiencies in our healthcare system. guess what? costs money. and guess what else? creates jobs. kinda like upgrading the computers in the state department, right? costs money, creates jobs, and creates greater efficiency in a department that needs to be run like a well-oiled machine.

bottom line, dingdongs, we have to spend money to create jobs.

next, "generational theft" you say? are you fucking kidding me, senator mcsame? you voted for a $2.5 trillion tax cut, and have the nerve to stand before america and call this "spending bill" generational theft? after your last eight rounds of tax cuts have done so much to keep the stock market from crashing, nearly 3 million jobs from being sucked down the toilet, and our ongoing use of u.s. tax dollars to build roads and schools in iraq? can we say out of touch? i think we can.

and lindsey graham. blech...

i also love, love, love, and love me some more all this chitter chatter and repulsion over our deficit. when bill clinton brought our deficit to a nil, the g.o.p. went on and on and on about how deficits don't mean anything. who cares about the deficit. no biggie. who cares if the china's of the world hold the notes on american debt. it doesn't matter. and now all of a sudden, the right wingers want to bitch, moan, cry, and carry on about how atrocious it is that we're entering in the deepest depths of american debt, it could even, gasp, reach 13% of our gdp in the next five years.

but honestly, i can rant and rave all i want about the hypocrisy, the lunacy, the complete and utter lack of being in touch with the woes of the american people. but y'all'll just cast me thoughts aside as another liberal tirade. so what i'll do then, is turn to one of your own.

i think andrew sullivan said it best in his post this week,

"Here's why they are not being intellectually honest... The GOP has passed what amounts to a spending and tax-cutting and borrowing stimulus package every year since George W. Bush came to office. They have added tens of trillions to future liabilities and they turned a surplus into a trillion dollar deficit - all in a time of growth. They then pick the one moment when demand is collapsing in an alarming spiral to argue that fiscal conservatism is non-negotiable. I mean: seriously.

The bad faith and refusal to be accountable for their own conduct for the last eight years is simply inescapable. There is no reason for the GOP to have done what they have done for the last eight years and to say what they are saying now except pure, cynical partisanship, and a desire to wound and damage the new presidency. The rest is transparent cant."

in a republican nutshell...

the end.


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to start beginning all of my sentences with "bottom line, dingdongs...."

    -Ashley L.
