27 February 2008

diary of a mad campaigner (part 3 in a series)

as promised, i'm keeping y'all up to speed on my first ever campaign adventure. today i leave for galveston, texas, by car, with a 70-year old obama supporter who has always wanted to see the country by car. and she's bringing a tent so we can camp...

so i get that you don't know me, but i'm kind of a girly girl. i like to be pretty (even when i'm in my weekend uniform: ucla t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers). the concept of camping is one i almost can't get my arms around. BUT - if my 70-year-old cohort wants to camp in the deserts of america's southwest, i'll be right there with her. i mean, i did quit my job with no real prospects in sight. i'm doing a whole lot of new right now. why not add camping to the mix? i might even like it. gasp.

i realize that most of the california for obama team will be flying in to texas, but i wanted to drive. i've got plenty of time (unemployed), have never been to the alamo, and thought now's a great time for a nice, long road trip. i'm glad i'm not alone in having such thoughts and i'm really looking forward to meeting my fellow campaigner in a few hours. i figure that we'll either be bff's or kill each other by the end of our journey.

i will keep y'all posted as things progress. and seriously, i have absolutely no idea what to expect from any of this...

(this blog is cross posted at daily kos)

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