26 February 2008

uh-oh, big law kinda blew me away

so, to throw an even bigger wrench into the plans i can't seem to make for myself, big law impressed me today. i did my homework, re-read the job description a few times, read articles about the firm (they've got great press), saw its accolades for being a great place to work, and found myself really interested in seriously exploring the opportunity. now that i've felt the vibe, met a few people, and bumped into a former colleague i've always greatly admired (who now works where i'm interviewing), i'm even more interested...

it sounds almost too good to be true. i'd have my own window office in both the downtown and santa monica offices, would be responsible for a lot of really great programs, and be involved at a much higher level than i've been. the benefits package is outstanding. and the truth is, i truly enjoy what i do in corporate america. i've always considered it, deep down, as my "day job", but maybe i'm meant to write as a hobby and work for a living. maybe i've had it wrong all this time...

i do love to write, but i don't know how successful i can be without someone giving me deadlines and forcing me to commit to 8-9 hours every monday through friday. and maybe i can be successful at both by prioritizing my time and committing to schedules for both. and really, i think i'm a good writer. but i know i'm good at what i do in the day job.

fortunately, i don't have to decide anything today. and who knows, perhaps big law wasn't as impressed with me as i am with them. maybe they won't call me in for another round and maybe there won't be anything to decide. except, of course, what i'm going to pack for the campaign trail. i'm leaving for texas tomorrow afternoon for team obama. yay! adventure time!

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